Kenneth A. Sagat
Partner, Sagat|Burton LLP

Chair, Reform in Law Committee
Kenneth A. Sagat is a partner in the New York law firm of Sagat|Burton LLP, which he founded with William Burton in 2008. He is known for his experience in insurance and the resolution of corporate and securities litigation as well as other financial loss contingencies. He has an extensive background in directors’ and officers’ liability insurance, fidelity, surety, financial guaranty insurance, and reinsurance. Mr. Sagat has written on insurance, corporate, accounting, and securities litigation issues, been a features speaker and panelist, and served as an arbitrator and mediator. Since oriented practice with Ronen Economics, including addressing banking regulatory issues. Mr. Sagat previously served as a trial attorney at the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, litigating merger cases.