Legends in Law | The Burton Awards

Each year, the “Legends in the Law Award” goes to general counsel based on an outstanding reputation in the legal profession and a demonstrated track record of addressing complex matters of national or global significance in a specialized area. The honorees have also evidenced leadership, creativity and a uniqueness in approach to resolving those challenges confronting their corporate clients. Finally, they are highly respected by the bench and bar for their integrity and professionalism.

Thomas L. Sager, Partner, Ballard Spahr LLP, and Les Parrette, Deputy Chairman of the Burton Awards, and co-chairs of the Legends in Law Committee, stated, “We are fortunate to have selected such outstanding leaders in the legal community. These prominent general counsel are truly worthy of this special recognition.” Lisa Rickard, a member of the Honorary Board of Directors for the Burton Awards, and Counselor to the President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce added, “Certainly, this is one of the highest honors a general counsel can achieve in a career. Congratulations to these truly exemplary executives who set the highest professional standards for all others to follow.”

The Burton Awards program rewards the greatest accomplishments in law, including excellence in writing, teaching, journalism, public service, leadership, and exemplary service in the armed forces by lawyers.